What a great start for August…on the 1st, Belle gave birth to her first litter of 8 puppies!!  We have had so many births now on the ranch that I am becoming somewhat accustomed to them, although not so much that I take it for granted.  It truly is a miracle to watch a new life emerge into the world and take it’s first gasp of air.

We had been on puppy watch for about 2 weeks thinking that they could be born any minute, which they weren’t, until they were…hehe.  When Belle went in to labor I didn’t see any signs until I came out of the barn on Friday morning and noticed that she was standing oddly.  The reason being was the first puppy was already halfway out on its way in to the world.  Barely got her into her birthing area, aka the basement, before the first puppy, a hefty white girl was born.

The next 5 came quickly and with out incident but we then had a lag of almost 4 hours until puppy 7 came out (for you Trekie fans, we have considered calling her 7 of 9 🙂 ).

She was covered with green slimy goo (and is still a bit green a week later) which was due to some birthing issues and she also needed some help from Hubby to clear out her lungs.

In the end all worked out fine.

Puppy 8 was next and then sadly, puppy 9 was stillborn.  It is always hard to have an animal die and we have had our share of that, but it is part of life, so you just take a deep breath and move forward.

Puppy Dreams 
What do puppies dream about when they sleep?  Running thru fields of lush tall grass, playing with their brothers and sisters or life spent sucking on a milk filled teat?  Some would say dogs don’t dream or have thoughts but I would have to disagree. These little guys sing a puppy song once they fall asleep, yipping and mewling, mouths open and tongues out, cuddled up to each other and with little legs twitching as if in motion.

The perfection of these little ones is amazing to me…every part of them is a tiny little replica of the big dog they will one day be.  Created by God or just a random bunch of cells that pulled themselves together and crawled from the primordial ooze to eventually become what they are today…I think not, I am going with God.

More to follow as the puppies grow…Until then, Happy Trails to you.
Diana…Head puppy wrangler

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