One of the many benefits of living where your neighbors can’t see you is being able to go outside dressed any way you want…in my case that is jammies and a robe. 

This morning it was cold and I was not quite ready to shower and meet the day, but our chickens heated waterer needed to be fixed and taken back out to the coop so out I went, waterer in hand.
Much to my dismay, the turkeys, who have NO respect for fences had decided to visit the chickens and were busy wandering around their pen making a general nuisance of themselves. 


One of the Roosters was all puffed up and ready to do battle with the turkeys, and our buck goat Randy, named for his behavior and well as his VERY strong odor, was busily chewing on one of our few pine trees.

In to the coop I went with the waterer only to find that the chickens had been busy pooping in the nesting boxes – again – which makes for dirty eggs.  With no gloves on, and my nice clean jammies and robe getting dirtier and smellier by the second, I scooped out the boxes and refilled them with fresh shavings, which will no doubt not stay that way for very long.  
By this time, Randy had gotten in to the chicken’s pen and was busy eating their food.  He would not leave on his own accord so I had to drag him out, further soiling my outfit.  I could not round up the turkeys and so I retreated to the house where jammies and robe immediately went in to the washer.  
So what was the benefit of going out in my nightclothes?  HMMMMM

Until next time…

Happy Trails Diana

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