Spring is in the air and the hens are giving the roosters “come hither” looks!

I love our roosters, they are pretty mellow birds, or at least ours are.  I know gals that won’t keep roosters because they have been attacked, and maybe it is the breed they have, but in general we have had very few issues with ours.
Now that’s not to say that there aren’t trouble makers. We have had issues with a few roosters being aggressive, and when that has happened, we just send them to freezer camp. ????


Now these two boys, the black one is an Australorpe and the other is an Americauna, are posturing, puffing up their feathers to look bigger and starring and circling each other.



And then they strike!



All of this is just sound and fury and what is quite amazing is that none of them gets hurt.  I can’t tell if they even touch each other.


These two Rhode Island Reds were completely minding their own business, and then they must have seen the other two boys going at it and decided to do a little sparring of their own.




I can almost hear one of them them saying “I draw a line in the sand…you step over it…and I draw another one”.




What the hens think of all this, I can only imagine.  But if I could make a guess, they probably think it is all very silly.
Until next time
Happy Trails!




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