A Lovesick Bull’s Search for Romance
This handsome fellow is our neighbor’s bull.
He does not have a formal name other than Bull, but based on the way he has been behaving lately, I think “Bull, the Big Bellowing Blowhard” is much more appropriate.
Bull has a herd of 13 cows along with an equal number of calves which he should be keeping an eye on, but instead, he has been catting cowing around with the girls on the other side of the fence…what was that about the grass being greener over there?
A few days ago, we saw Bull walking down our fence line making a lot of noise and then once he was out of site, his bellowing sounded suspiciously like it was coming from our other neighbor’s ranch. I went to investigate, and low and behold, Bull was no longer in our pasture, but had somehow gotten in to the neighbor’s.
Now this bull weighs about 3/4 of a ton and I couldn’t picture him jumping the fence, so it was a bit of a mystery, until yesterday when I caught him red handed!!
Sadly for Bull, all his bellowing and sneaking through the fence was for naught as our neighbor had put his cows into a corral, reminding me of the old story about the farmer locking up his daughters when the travelling salesman came to town.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this latest story about ranch animals behaving badly so be sure to add your comments below.

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Hi Janey…I knew it was you from Etsy :):). Bulls are quite interesting, for big, lumbering, lugs, they do manage to provide lots of entertainment, although I would not want to be running in front of one in Pamplona…I am content to stay on my side of the fence! And finding time to blog is challenging. If I could just find a way to squeeze 48 hours into a 24 hour day, life be be good!! And, I still cannot wrap my mind round 19 kids…your mother must have been a saint.
Happy trails Diana