Have you ever been curious about what it would be like to live in the country? Could you do it, or is it too dissimilar from what you are used to? I daydreamed for years about living in a small town, but one of my biggest reasons for not taking the leap was the loss of conveniences. Until we moved to our ranch 6 years ago, I had lived either in the suburbs of NYC or Denver, both of which had great benefits.
Supermarkets, shopping malls, highways and golf (this was incredibly important to me before we moved to the ranch) were just minutes away. If I ran out of 1/2 & 1/2 for my morning coffee, no problem, I could hop in the car and drive 5 minutes to the supermarket. Dinner? All kinds of take-out and eat in restaurants were within reach as were all the fresh ingredients I could possibly need to cook dinner.

As odd as this may sound, after a while a 25-minute drive is a breeze. I can sing to the radio at the top of my lungs without getting odd looks from other drivers, or catch up on one of my Favorite Audiobooks. And of course we have the internet so if there is something I need that I don’t want to drive for, I can always order it online. It makes me wonder how folks managed when mail order was the way to get items not carried at your town’s mercantile store.
to The Princess Bust Developer which was guaranteed to enlarge any lady’s bust from 3 to 5 inches, and it only cost $1.50…a bargain compared to what a plastic surgeon must charge these days! And even more interesting is we have a family here in town who lives in a Montgomery Ward kit home which was shipped to the original owners via the railroad…talk about convenience!! Have you considered starting a new life in the country? If so, I would love to hear what you think so don’t forget to comment below. Until next time, Happy Trails!
Hi Willa…I am so glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting 🙂