This morning I stepped out on our front porch only to be greeted with a spot of blood and a clump of porcupine quills, but no porcupine.
The blood was nothing new. When you have a herd of barn cats, which we do, you really never know what kind of “gift” they have left for you..guts, dead mice, a pile of feathers, you get the picture. But porcupine quills were something new.
After checking on Goliath, who was on patrol last night, to make sure he didn’t have a snootful of quills, I started looking around for a dead porcupine. Luckily, nothing turned up.
But then, as it always seem to happen, things changed.
I was looking out the window and there were the alpacas , all bunched up as a herd and running this way and that. Then they would stop and stare at I didn’t know what, but that is usually not a good sign.
So out I went and there was the porcupine, alive and slowly waddling and shambling along…I think the only animal that may be slower than a porcupine is a sloth.
I put the alpacas back in their pen, although they would have been happy to keep looking at the porcupine, and then I went and tied up Goliath. The last thing I needed was for him to get in a dust up with the porcupine and if you have ever had a pet with a medical emergency on the weekend, you know how expensive that can be.
And then I went to look for the porcupine who wasn’t where I had left him. After poking around, I found him hunkered down in the weeds.
Now the question is what to do with him.
Until next time, Happy Trails!

Glad to hear from you again! Love your stories!
Thanks Joyce 🙂
yay! you’re back! I have really missed your posts, diana! just a couple of months ago we had a porcupine hiding under a bush in our side yard. (scared the livin’ daylights out of our daughter when she came up from the back yard.) he/she hung out for a day and then was gone. our dogs have never had a run in with porcupine, but one did have a dance with a skunk inside our home a few years ago! the dog was black and white, so I have always contended it was a case of ‘pepe le Pew”!
Hi Jan…Bless your heart, you are too kind. I am glad that both your daughter and your dogs didn’t have a run-in with the porcupine! And you had a skunk inside your home? OMG, I can’t even begin to imagine the stink. If it were me, I probably would have just packed up and left..told the bank to take the house off my hands haha.
I am going to give it my best to post regularly even if the posts are short like this one was. I have definitely bitten off more than I can chew and for some reason, I just can’t seem to stop myself from adding more things to my plate. Oh well, I think that is a female thing 🙂
SO glaD to get an update! missed hearing from you!
Hello old friend! Hope all is well with you and yours and that Hurricane Dorian doesn’t get you too wet!
save the old boy. let him live and prosper where there are no dogs, alpaca and peoples.
You have a kind heart, Deb 🙂
Glad he left pur place and went your direction, our trees will be happy, me, too! Glad no dogs got a snoOtful!
You had him at your place? They are odd little beasties and yes, I am glad as well that no dogs got in a tussle with him 🙂