The Mystery of the Missing Porcupine
by Diana | September 5, 2019 | Ranch Roundup | 10 Comments
This morning I stepped out on our front porch only to be greeted with a spot of blood and a clump of porcupine quills, but no porcupine.
The blood was nothing new, but….
Reflections on Country Life – The Conveniences
by Diana | January 12, 2019 | Ranch Roundup | 1 Comment
Have you ever been curious about what it would be like to live in the country? Could you do it, or is it too dissimilar from what you are used to? I daydreamed for years about living in a small town, but one of my biggest reasons for not taking the leap was the loss of conveniences.
Happy New Year 2019
by Diana | January 4, 2019 | Ranch Roundup | 4 Comments
Hello all and Happy New Year! I am excited to be back at my keyboard and am looking forward to a busy 2019 with lots of new stories about life here on Rolling E Ranch and as always, whatever else catches my fancy!
Merry Christmas from Rolling E Ranch
by Diana | December 14, 2018 | Ranch Roundup | 2 Comments
How to Block an Asymmetrical Crescent Shawl – Tutorial
by Diana | November 30, 2018 | Knitting | 1 Comment
This knitting tutorial will teach you how to successfully block an Asymmetrical Crescent Shaped Shawl.
Blocking should not be intimidating, and one of the things that I like about shawls, is that blocking does not need to be perfect, unlike a garment where it does, assuming you want it to fit :).
Slipping and Sliding
by Diana | November 17, 2018 | Weather | 2 Comments
The chickens were slipping and sliding, this way and that. Turkeys who came at a run were surprised to find they couldn’t stop until they had slid a few feet past me. My eyeglasses froze, my coat was stiff with ice – A Ranch Life Blog Post from Rolling E Ranch
Boo is in the Dog House
by Diana | November 9, 2018 | Great Pyrenees | 7 Comments
Boo the Great Pyrenees is in the Dog House! How did this miscarriage of justice happen? The full story can be found in this humorous blog post from Rolling E Ranch – Boo is in the Dog House
Raising Happy Healthy Chicks
Feb 29, 2016
It's that time of the year again...Baby Chicks have arrived! This is a rather lengthy post...
Mooing in the Moonlight
Feb 22, 2016
Until next time, Happy Trails
Ice Cold Turkey
Feb 14, 2016
One recent afternoon, when we were in the grip of a deep freeze, I went down to the barn to check...