Ranch Critters

T-R-O-U-B-L-E and that’s how you spell buckling

What you may ask is a buckling? Well, for some folks, it is a cute little baby boy goat, who runs around jumping on everything in sight and just looking plain adorable.For me, it started off that way when our mama goat Spice gave birth to twin boys in April....

Randy the Goat vs the Feed Bag

This is our boy, Randy.  Like most goats, he is not very picky about what he eats, (no, goats do not eat tin cans) and acts as if he is never, ever fed.I had just finished filling the turkeys feed bucket and had not yet had a chance to stick the bag in the back...

It’s not easy being a barn cat

Most mornings I can be found on our front porch knitting or reading or just enjoying the view.  We can see all the way from Pikes Peak to the south to Long's Peak, in Rocky Mountain National Park, to the north. Usually I am accompanied by one of our barn...

Odds and Ends

Every so often, my Dad will send me an envelope stuffed with articles he has collected...

Start of another morning on the ranch

Start of another morning on the ranch

 The sun is just beginning to color the morning sky but already the animals are up and active.The young turkeys, who rarely if ever respect their boundaries, are again pushing their limits by trying to perch on our back porch.  Adam is having none of it and...

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